As professional elevators manufacture, we understand your connection to your customers and we realize the important role our products have in your business.

That’s why Fuji Elevators is the only residential elevator company to offer its customers a large selection of products, the industry’s best warranty, 24/7 phone support and a network across the world. Whether you’re considering adding an elevator to your existing building or new construction, choosing the right product and the right contractor can be very stressful.



We pride ourselves on having a large selection of products to choose from. This assures that we have just the right product to fit your needs. All of our lifts have customizable features that enable you to get the perfect fit for your building. We also have the capabilities to construct one-of-a-kind elevators for the most discriminating buyer. Click here for more information.


Sometimes the difference between just buying a product and making a purchase comes well after the sale. That’s why we want you to feel comfortable in knowing that Fuji Elevators offers the best warranty of any residential elevator company. That’s confidence in our products, and in our installation and service.

24/7 Live Phone Support.

We’ve all been there. You have a question about the product you purchased and called the company only to get an automated voice message saying they’re closed. That never happens at Fuji Elevators. We have live support available 24/7/365. We’re always only a phone call away. 


Knowing that you’ve chosen a company with offices across the world should give you peace of mind that your elevator is supported by a large team of professionals committed to customer service. Our passion for excellence has allowed us to help shape the growth of the residential elevator industry.

There is simply no other company that can offer you all of this.

If you are looking for a customized quote or just want to ask a question, get in touch with Fuji Elevators today to start talking to an Elevator expert.